
On the 31st January 2013 the Technical Permanent Committees have been constituted with the following aims:

  • To check the state of art of World/European/Italian regulation in order to prepare first a best practice and then an official regulation, through the institution of UNI Committee (Italian Organization for Standardization).
  • To analyse accidents occurred into No Dig work sites in order to revise Trenchless Technology Companies’ insurance skills and consequently to get a reduction of their insurance costs.
  • To revise twice a year reference prices of each trenchless technology, which are published into DEI (Public Work Office) publications including also other civil engineering dept.. These publications represent a useful tool and technical support for public bids.
  • To prepare a document providing for each different technology, a deeply detailed description of the technology and their area of interests and application, in order to  favour their inclusion into the bid documents.
  • To prepare professional qualifying courses for complex drilling machine, pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 81/08. According to this law enterprises must have their employees provided with a specific license/patent for the use of complex machineries. The patent is required also to obtain the SOA certification.

Head of Technical Permanent Committees: Mr. Feliciano Esposto