1. Directive of Presidency of the Council of Ministers dated 3 March 1999
2. Art. 37 of Italian Legislative Decree no. 81/08 (Security Laws): release of patents to operate on complex machines for horizontal directional drilling Technologies.
3. DPR 207/2010 – Execution and implement regulations of DLgs 163/2006, Public Contracts Code: Introducing the specialistic works cathegory OS35 also known as «Enviromental low impact technologies».
4. AGCOM resolution n. 622_11_CONS «Regulations on the subject of electronic communication networks rights for dorsal connections and infrastructures sharing»
5. Italian President Decree n. 137 issued on April 4th, 2014
6. DM 1° October 2013 implementing dispositions of the art. 14 del DL 179/2012 converted, with changes, in Law 221/2012 – More urgent measures for the Development. (introduction of b.1: horizontal drilling and thrust boring, b.2: minitrench; b.3 georadar)
7. Italian Legislative Decree n.33issued on February 15, 2016 ( transposition of European Directive n.61/2014)