Technical Publications

IATT and UNI (Italian National Standardization Body)

In order to favour the application of trenchless technologies on a National basis, assuring a high quality and efficiency standards for contractors, facilities providers and operators, IATT and UNI (Italian National Standardization Body) has signed an agreement for the issuance of reference procedures (so called PdR).

The PdR adopted exclusively on a national level, and part of the “European standardization deliverables” as provided for in Regulation (EU) n. 1025/2012, are documents introducing technical requirements that are developed through a fast track process.

The following PdR have been issued (both in Italian and English version) and can been downloaded on free basis:

UNI/PdR 7:2014 «Environmental low impact technology for subsoil infrastructures: minitrench system»  

UNI/PdR 26.1:2017 «Enviromental low impact technology for subsoil infrastructures: underground infrastructure locating and mapping systems »

UNI/PdR 26.2:2017 «Enviromental low impact technology for subsoil infrastructures: laying pipes by means of horizontal thrust boring» 

UNI/PdR 26.3:2017 «Enviromental low impact technology for subsoil infrastructures: Directional Drilling Systems-Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD)» 

UNI/PdR 37:2018  «Trenchless renovation of rigid underground pipes delivering drinking water by lining with cement mortars» (English version coming soon)

UNI/PdR 97/2020 – “Tecnologia di realizzazione delle infrastrutture interrate a basso impatto ambientale – Sistemi ad aspirazione pneumatica

UNI/PdR 101/2020“Tecnologia di realizzazione delle infrastrutture interrate a basso impatto ambientale – Metodologie di posa della fibra ottica nelle infrastrutture esistenti di gestori e operatori”

UNI/PdR 166/2024“Figure professionali operanti nell’ambito delle tecnologie “a basso impatto ambientale” o Trenchless Technology – Requisiti di conoscenza, abilità, autonomia e responsabilità”

Guidelines for Municipalities and provinces of Lombardy Region for subsoil use alteration

To enforce the national competitiveness on infrastructures markets Lombardy Region promoted, together with IATT, ANCI Lombardia (Association of Lombardy Municipalities) and UPL (Union of Lombardy Districts), a project which led to the creation of a document titled “ Guidelines for Municipalities and provinces of Lombardy Region for subsoil use alteration”. This document (published in Decreto Dirigenziale  July,19th 2011 n. 6630)  is part of the European “better regulation” plan aimed at easing the services networks developing process through the introduction of innovative and environment low impact technologies.   It is a concrete exemple not only of strategy merging public and private interests but also an exemple of Italian best practice aimed at promoting the use of alternative technologies instead of traditional open trench.

(document only in Italian)