
In order to transform a Country into a modern nation where environmental values and technological innovation combine together, the economic development experts and high-skilled technicians are required. Today, in the field of “network facilities”, to be competitive we must give concrete answers to the growing demand for accessibility to facilities which high quality respects life and environment. There is a change in mentality and a growing awareness on advantage deriving from the utilisation of trenchless technologies; they are a useful tool available to Facilities Providers for their network developing and maintenance, as well as an effective governance tool for Municipalities allowing them to better plan the operations on their land.

Based on the above, IATT has developed a highly detailed training plan, which involves the creation of specific professional skilled technicians, that allows a development of the  whole Italian economy. Training courses offered by our association are mainly aimed at technical personnel and designers, managers of multi-utilities from both private companies and Public Administration. Moreover for the members of Professional Orders they can be as “refresher courses” in the trenchless technologies subjects.Training courses and seminars are conducted both in Italy and abroad and can also be done in cooperation with other relevant structures such as Training Centers, Universities, and so on…

The training system proposed by IATT is extremely flexible, tailor-made, composed by several “modules” that can be prepared “on demand” according to client’s needs. In addition to the traditional technical subjects on trenchless technologies, other subjects could be discussed such as current legislation, site safety, economical information, fund raising policies, and so on….

IATT with the cooperation of FORMEDIL (National Training Institute) are also carrying forward special training courses for the release of “patent” to HDD and Microtunnelling operators. We remind  that the requirement for companies working in trenchless sector  to have staff with a specific patent to operate on complex machines is in accordance to Safety Laws of work  sites in DLgs 81/2008. Up today IATT released n. 93 patents for HDD operators and n. 17 patents for Microtunnelling operators.

 For information please contact Mrs Letizia Rinaldini (tel: 0639721997- email:


Some references:

Municipality of Rome

Lombardy Region

Ministry of Infrastructures – Dam Department

ANCI (Association of Italian municipalities)

ACEA (water utility)

CAP Holding (water utility)

Autorià Idrica Toscana (water utility)

Autovie  Venete (roads and highways)

Gruppo Marche Multiservizi (multi-utility)



UTILITALIA (Association of gas, energy and water utilities)

Technip (engineering company – energy sector)

CMC Ravenna (general contractor)

Astaldi (general contractor)

Professional order of Engineers

Professional order of geologists

University of Rome – La Sapienza